sexta-feira, 29 de junho de 2007

A volta de Hong Kong à China e, mais uma vez a droga....

Dez anos após a volta de Hong Kong à China, uma notícia da Reuters reproduzida abaixo mostra o consumo de drogas no sul da China aumenta e, pelo preço mais baixo do que o cobrado na ex-colônia inglesa. A droga - no caso o ópio - faz parte da história da China e Inglaterra (clique aqui) e, parece que permanecerá ainda por um bom tempo.
Hong Kong drug addicts head to China to pop pills
Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:35am ET By Tan Ee Lyn
HONG KONG (Reuters) - The ease of travel to the China mainland since Hong Kong's handover in 1997 has drawn the city's young people to a cheap and convenient playground just across the border in Shenzhen city. Every weekend, young people pour into Shenzhen in China's southern Guangdong province to devour cheap food, entertainment -- and illicit party drugs. Street drugs of all types -- cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, ketamine and methamphetamine -- are more easily available and cheaper in discotheques in southern China than in Hong Kong. "At first I didn't like Shenzhen because it seemed foreign and dangerous, but after a while it was very nice, a new place with new faces and we didn't get raided there," said Siu Bak, a former addict of nine years who kicked the habit in 2005. "It's far easier to get drugs in China. Any staff can get it for you. The security guards will just turn a blind eye or they will tell you to take them in the toilet," said Siu Bak, 24. Ketamine is one of the most popular party drugs now in Hong Kong and it is proving to be a disastrous health hazard. In a report published last week, a group of Hong Kong doctors detailed cases of bladder and kidney dysfunction in 10 ketamine addicts. Their mean age was 25, with the youngest only 18.

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